sewing the Grab & Go Robe

Mama Baby Hospital Set!

As the weeks grow closer and closer, and my husband and I start thinking about preparing our hospital bags, I have been overwhelmed with all of the cute matching sets that are coming at me from every angle on Pinterest and Instagram! The mama in me wanted to order them all, but the sewist in me knew that I would cherish them so much more if I made them myself… So earlier this month, exactly 2 months from our little girl’s due date, I whipped up our first matching set – a comfortable knit robe for me to wear in the hospital, and a matching sleeper gown for baby! All topped with a big pink bow.

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sewing with Pine Crest Fabrics
Collabs | Fabric

Activewear with Pine Crest Fabrics

Making my own activewear has been an exciting new adventure for me this year, and today I’m so excited to share with you my favorite set yet! I have never been one to splurge on my activewear – though I admired cute, luxury activewear from afar, I have always been content to head to the gym in my running shorts and old graphic tanks. As long as I could move in my clothing, I felt good enough about it! However, I wasn’t extremely fond of many of the pieces in my “gym clothes” drawer, and decided why not try my hand at something that was a little more my style? Feeling great about my clothing has never made a situation worse, so I set out on a bit of an activewear adventure. So needless to say that when Pine Crest Fabrics reached out to me about a collaboration opportunity, I was OVER. THE. MOON. with excitement! See what I made with their Olympus Knit on the blog…

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sewing Nikko
Collabs | Fabric | Patterns

Dusty Pink Nikko Dress with Stylish Fabric

If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve probably noticed that I’ve been all about the Nikko Dress recently. I originally fell in love with this dress when it was released, but wasn’t yet quite comfortable enough with knits that I felt ready to jump into this project. As I’ve mentioned so many times before, becoming familiar with knits was one of my 2018 sewing goals, and I’ve definitely put a lot of work in towards that goal! Now that I’ve reached a comfortable place with knits, and the weather is starting to think about cooling down a bit, I was so excited to FINALLY make myself a Nikko Dress!

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sewing Sheona

Testing the Sheona Dress

If you guys aren’t familiar with Athina Kakou, you are truly missing out! Over the summer, she reached out to me to ask if I’d like to test out her newest upcoming pattern, the Sheona dress. It’s a great wardrobe basic, a knit shift dress or tee with some fun embellishment options if you’d like to dress it up a little. As you are probably well aware by now, my belly and I have been living in knits this summer, so I was excited to try out this pattern and possibly have a new go-to pattern!

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