sewing with Raspberry Creek Fabrics custom printed organic cotton spandex jersey
Collabs | Fabric

RCF “Favorite Things” Blog Tour – Christmas Coffee in July!

The “Favorite Things” Blog Tour has started over at Raspberry Creek Fabrics, and I am thrilled to be a part of it this year! This year, the Blog Tour accompanies a big, fun announcement from RCF! Historically, they run a selection of super fun CLUB Prints for a limited time, and those prints go into retirement when next year’s line is released. I didn’t discover Raspberry Creek Fabrics early enough to get in on some of my favorite prints that I’ve seen others use, so this has always been such a bummer to me. Along with the Blog Tour, though, they’ve announced that their previous CLUB lines will soon be available to purchase, no matter when the release date. You can read all about that HERE! They’ve also announced a number of new substrates to be included as options for those lines to be printed on! I was SO excited to hear this, and quickly dove down a deep hole of old CLUB lines trying to decide what print I wanted to work with, now that I had access to them all! It was a HARD choice to decide which to work with first!

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sewing a VFT Juniper Dress in Michael Miller critter jersey fabric
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Sewing a Toddler’s Critter Juniper Dress with Minerva

Between proactively preparing this pattern, a slight delay in delivery, and another bit of a delay in actual sewing, this dress turned into a cute tunic top! Once I’d finally sewn it, I went to get my girl dressed in her cute new dress and it turns out the coordinating leggings I’d sewn at the last moment were an excellent decision. In the months since I cut and pasted my pattern, this girl had GROWN! While the 2T still fit her perfectly width-wise, she had shot up like a weed recently and what was intended to be a dress is instead a very cute little tunic! It is crazy how quickly time passes. To be fair, she is pretty regularly in size 3T these days, but my brain hadn’t quite put all of that together when cutting out this dress. I was just happy to be so prepared!

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sewing a toddler set out of Taco Fabric with Minerva
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Sewing a Tiny Taco Set with Minerva

This fabric was designed a few years ago by Dana Willard, as part of her Day Trip collection inspired by road tripping through Texas. I have always loved the fun, whimsical prints and colors in this collection, and actually purchased a cut of this same fabric to sew myself a dress in May 2018 (the photos we used to announce that I had a bun in the oven!). My little one LOVES tacos (they are second place as her favorite dinner food, topped only by chicken and “cha wise” – aka french fries!), and always comments on the tacos on that dress when I wear it. So when I had the opportunity to sew with it again with Minerva, I jumped on it!

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sewing the Maternity Givre dress in rib knit from Stylish Fabric
Collabs | Fabric

Sewing a Maternity Givre Dress with Stylish Fabric

Happy Tuesday! I’m officially 27 weeks along today, which means I’ve entered the THIRD TRIMESTER! It’s so hard to wrap my head around – it feels like our due date is so far away yet also so very, very near. We’ve definitely felt a little less urgency during this pregnancy, likely because it is our second and everything isn’t entirely new and unknown, and we’ve just now started working on planning out the nursery and moving furniture around. However, even though we’ve had the peace of mind to take some things a little slower this time around, I feel like my belly is growing even faster than it did the first time around, and maternity-friendly patterns are a MUST! I worked with a lovely Rib Knit from Stylish Fabric to create the comfiest maternity dress.

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