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Matching Holiday Outfits

December 22, 2018

Goodness, it’s been quite a while since I’ve gone live with a new blog post! Our sweet daughter was born on October 27th, and life has been a newborn baby whirlwind ever since!

Sewing the Bodysuit Dress

The little booger turned 8 weeks old today, and I can’t believe how fast time is flying over here! It took me a couple of weeks to adjust to my new normal, specifically the limited amount of sewing time (or any other time to myself!) that I have now! However, in the last 8 weeks, I’ve somehow been able to sew up four (and a half!) garments!

Sewing the Bodysuit Dress
The first things I made were these matching outfits for my husband and our girl to wear in our Christmas card photos! I intended to make myself something to match, as well, but I ended up prioritizing theirs and I’m so glad I did!

Sewing the Strathcona Henley

I’ve written a whole blog post on their outfits in partnership with Minerva Crafts, which you can find right here! I’m so excited to be finding my groove as a Mama, and starting to find my way back into my sewing room lately! I’m looking forward to sharing a few more new things here on the blog soon, as soon as I find a time when both the weather and the baby are both agreeable to some photos! In the meantime, enjoy our family Christmas photos and my Minerva blog post!

Sewing Strathcona and Bodysuit Dress

  • XX Elizabeth

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