sewing the third birthday outfit
Fabric | Patterns

Bug’s CUSTOM Third Birthday Outfit

November 27, 2021

Every year of my girl’s life, I’ve made her a special outfit to celebrate her birthday in. The first two years were pretty dresses. Her third birthday fell just shortly after her Tio’s wedding, so we decided that she’d wear the pretty dress we made for the rehearsal for her birthday party to keep up the pretty dress tradition. But this year, my girl was old enough to make a special request of her own for an outfit. 

Towards the end of the summer, we were walking through JoAnn to pick up something straightforward – some thread or a zipper, when this fabric caught her eye. She was drawn right to it, with a giant grin on her face. This was the first time that she’d ever asked me for a specific fabric, so how could I possibly say no?! I let her pop the bolt in our cart and we headed toward the cutting table. I asked her what she wanted me to make her, and she told me “pants and a shirt!” and I took the wheel from there.

Our go-to patterns are the Brindille & Twig Lounge Sweatshirt with either Leggings or Bummies, depending on the season… But I felt like this fabric wanted to be something else. I looked through my pattern stash and decided that the Brindille & Twig Flutter Sleeve Tee would be a great match! I didn’t think I had the right pants pattern, so I started looking around and – BULLSEYE. When I found the Made for Mermaids Bailey Bell Bottoms, I knew I had hit the jackpot. I purchased the pattern right away and got to work. (I may have purchased the adult size of the pattern, too!)

I sat down to cut the fabric during her naptime one day, and she wandered into the room before I had a chance to put everything away. She took one look at the fabric, forgetting that she’d been the one to pick it out, and told me “Mama I like that! Will you make that for me?” I loved the whole process of making this outfit, from picking out the fabric at the store to folding it into the little gift bag, because the whole time I really knew she was going to love it.

She was still so happy with it when she opened it at her birthday party, and I couldn’t have been more excited. We flew out to San Francisco the evening of her birthday, so we saved her outfit and she got to wear it for the first time the day after her birthday as we explored the city – she fit in perfectly, and was so comfy all day long. The highest praise that she can give a garment lately is “cozy,” so I was so happy when she told me that this was a cozy one!

I hope she looks forward to a new birthday outfit every year! She is becoming so smart and independent and forming her own big opinions on things recently, and I have been so humbled that some of the things she has strong, positive opinions about are mama made clothes and matching with mama. She wanders into my closet from time to time, points at things she knows I’ve made, and asks if I’m going to make her something to match it. It is so heartwarming. 

Today marks 3 years and 1 month of being this girl’s mama, and it has truly been such a pleasure. She is one of the two best things I’ve ever made, and I really love seeing her in clothes that I’ve made for her. This outfit suits her so well, and I am looking forward to more versions of these patterns for her as the years go on. 

Top: handmade by me 
Fabric: JoAnn – POP! Girl Power Glitter Juvenile Knit Apparel Fabric⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Pattern: Brindille & Twig – Flutter Sleeve Tee

Pants: handmade by me 
Fabric: JoAnn – POP! Girl Power Glitter Juvenile Knit Apparel Fabric⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Pattern: Made for Mermaids – Bailey Bell Bottoms 

Key Ingredients: 
Brother XR9500PRW Sewing Machine 
Brother 1034D Overlocker 
Schmetz Jersey Ballpoint Needles
Dahle 36×48 Self-healing Cutting Mat
Heat & Bond Soft Stretch (Lite)

Thanks for sharing this special outfit with me! The patterns and fabric used in this post were all purchased by me. All words and opinions expressed throughout this post are my own, as always. Links provided throughout this post may be affiliate links – if you choose to purchase any products through these links, I may receive a small commission, at no cost to you. This simply helps me justify the costs of my sewing habit and the time it takes to share it with you!! Happy Sewing!

  • XX Elizabeth

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  1. Love reading your blog, even though I don’t comment as often as I should!

    Those tiny bell bottoms though? Fatal levels of cuteness!

  2. She couldn’t be cuter! You’ve totally convinced me to buy that bellbottom pattern for my 2-year-old. If she looks HALF as happy as your kiddo, it’ll be a total win. Thanks for sharing!

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